Helping devices
Active 2017-2019, currently frozen.

You probably have a couple of devices that have a minor fault and a rather vague future. On the other hand, there are many people who are in dire need of these devices. In this story, we positioned ourselves as an intermediary. We spoke with local organizations helping people in difficult life situations (Family Territory, Dedmorozim, Social Adaptation Center, Perm Regional Non-commercial Organization ‘Vybor’ (ru: Choice)). They confirmed that cellphones and laptops would make a big difference for their clients. Besides, we know a lot of great non-profits and volunteers who would be so much more efficient in their efforts if necessary technical aids were available.

We received phones and laptops that people no longer needed, fixed them and gave out to those whom they would help. If the degree of repair was serious, we paid with our own money or other devices of the kind, since sometimes service centers need spare parts. We didn’t only get requests – occasionally, we would offer something ourselves.
A simple push-button cell phone is an invaluable item for a just-released prisoner. Such devices are essential to homeless people and people in a difficult life situation, since they make it easier to reconnect with their families, find a job, know exact time etc.
A bit of statistics: thus far, we’ve handed 350 operational devices to non-profit organizations and social initiatives. We cooperated with Dedmorozim, Family Territory, Breathing space initiative and lots of individual volunteers.
Media references:
Social Information Agency: In Perm, volunteers repair broken equipment and give it to those in need
Information agency "TEXT": "Technology to help"
kapoosta: Technology to the rescue
Takiye dela: In Perm, volunteers repair broken equipment and give it to the poor
Zvezda: Technique to Help charity project will accept devices at new addresses next week
My city is Perm: "Technology to help": Permians give old smartphones to the homeless